Inadvertently going down a rabbithole on this website and coming across a thread which is actually an intra-fascist fight about sex was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.
Opinions voiced in this thread, summarised:
- "I hate feminists because men should be able to have sex with women whenever they like regardless of consent."
- "No, only men with high IQs should be allowed to have sex because the rest of you are inferior."
- "No, only white men should be allowed to have sex, and only with white women, because racism."
- "No, only married men should have sex, and only with their wives, because religion."
- "No, no men should ever have sex, because sex is degenerate and dirty and women are terrible."
I'm somewhat caricaturing, of course, but this was basically it. And they were all fighting with each other.
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