OK fine fuck it Fox and I are watching Cats
liked and retweeted let’s GO BABY
Em: “I wonder how long we give it before we bail”

Me: “We don’t bail”

Em: “Really?? There’s no opt out??”

Two minutes later

Em: “This is horrifying”

Me: “This is
I greatly appreciate that we have wasted no time at all getting into my jellicle bullshit
Em: “why does Idris Elba have a fur coat if he is already a cat”

I am very scared to learn the answer
Ima have to put subtitles on
I can’t put on subtitles, guess that’s ok, what I cannot understand with my ears I shall FEEL with my jellicles
Twitter broke so my thread has gone without updates but rest assured I am still watching, and more specifically am currently watching poor Dame Judi Dench get dragged into this jellicle mess
The cognitive dissonance of being deeply impressed with the dancing while being deeply disturbed by the cats oh god the CATS is very real
Taylor Swift showing up for no apparent reason other than being Idris Elba’s hype cat is the biggest twist so far
second biggest twist: the “now and forever at the winter garden theater” commercials making me think “Magical Mr. Mistofoles” was a pump up power anthem when it’s really about a cat who can’t do shit
It’s over. I have no idea what just happened but I’m pretty sure I’m no longer sober
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