We need to study the impact of #PhysicalActicity on the severity of #COVIDー19 infections & on population stress responses to the pandemic as advocated by @GoPAnetwork

@NCDCgov @jidesanwoolu
@Fmohnigeria @ProfAkinAbayomi
@LSMOH @DrEOEhanire

What we need to do: A Thread
@WHO defines #PhysicalActivity as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure– etc activities undertaken while working, playing, carrying out household chores, travelling and engaging in recreational pursuits.

#PhysicalActivity shouldn't be confused with #exercise which is a subcategory of #PA that is planned, structured, repetitive and aims to improve or maintain 1 or more components of physical fitness. Beyond exercises, any other physical activity that's done during leisure time

for transport to get to and from places, or as part of a person's work, has a health benefit. Both moderate and vigorous –intensity #PA improve health.

Insufficient #PhysicalActivity is one of the major leading risk factors for death worldwide. Insufficient #PA is one of the 4 major risk factors for #NCDs such as #CVD #Cancer #Diabetes and #ChronicRespiratoryDiseases as stated by @WHO

@WHO in its assessment stated that #COVIDー19 infects people of all ages with evidence suggesting older people and those with underlying medical conditions are at a higher risks of contracting the #coronavirus

@WHO also identified people with preexisting medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer as more vulnerable to becoming severely illl with the #CoronaVirus

What's the statistics on #PA?

Globally in 2016, 23% of men and 32% of women aged 18+ years were insufficiently physically active. Over the past 15 years, levels of insufficient activity did not improve (28.5% in 2001; 27.5% in 2016).

Remember #PhysicalActivity includes all forms of active recreation, sports, cycling, walking as well as activities at work, around the home and garden. It doesn't have to be wholely sports or exercise - play, dance, gardening, house cleaning, carrying heavy groceries.

Note that during this #CoronaVirusPandemic with many of us #PhysicaDistanacing with restricted movements while in isolation, quarantine or restricted to our homes, it is even more important for people of all ages and abilities to be as active as possible.

A short break from sitting, lying down by doing 3-5 minutes of physical movement, such as walking, stretching will help ease muscle strain, relieve mental tension, and improve blood circulation and muscle activity. It will also help in #spatialBridging

How does #COVIDー19 relates to #PhysicalActivity ?

As researched by Prof. James Sallis and Michael Pratt of @GoPAnetwork during infections, immune systems detection of the virus in the lungs leads to inflammatory reactions that cause damage

to the lung tissues that interferes with breathing and can be severe enough to require medical interventions like mechanical ventilators.

How is this related to #PhysicalActivity ????

When you are active, muscles produce compounds that improve functioning of the #immunesystem and reduce inflammation. (Hojman, 2017). Thus, #PhysicalActivity strengthens the 2 biological processes (immunity, inflammation) that react to the #COVIDー19 infection.

@WHO recommended levels of #PhysicalActivity for adults aged 18-64 years which individual must attain to prevent NCDs and gain equitable health benefits.

But what are the activities that could be included?

1. Leisure time #PA#walking #dancing #gardening #hiking #swimming
2. Transportation – #walking #cycling
3. Occupational – #householdchores #games #plays #exercise #sports


In order to improve #cardiorespiratory #muscularfitness #bonehealth and reduce the risks of #NCDs and #Depression

Adults aged 18–64 should do at least 150 mins of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week


Atleast 75 mins of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week or an equivalent combination of moderate-vigorous intensity activity.

Aerobic activity should be performed in bouts of at least 10 mins duration.

Symptoms of stress will increase as the pandemic continues due to health threats, economic loss and #SocialDistancing its well noted that being active has important #mentalhealth benefits and help many cope with ongoing stress and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety

Action is needed to increase #PhysicalActivity during this #CoronavirusOutbreak though we know that there are advocacies for


We need to start studying impact of #PhysicalInactivity on the citizens during this pandemic

Validated Tools for studying #PhysicalActivity


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