It’s coming to the end of Day 3 of #selfisolation for me due to suspected #covid19 so in this thread I wanted to give an update as I experienced 2 new symptoms upon waking 1/n
I woke up today with a pounding headache, like a truck was being rammed into my head back and forth. I just thought it was due to poor sleep, but even after 2 naps of 5 hours total, the headache was still there 2/n
I did take some paracetamol 3 hours after waking, and a few hours later, the intensity of my headache reduced by 50% - It’s only now, 16 hours since waking that the headache is about 90% gone 3/n
I’ve also felt fatigue upon waking up too, and has not gone away. My energy levels were fine until this morning. Walking up and down 10 steps of stairs feels like hard work, I can really feel my thigh muscles with each step. 4/n
Didn’t sleep well last night, ache in calf muscles and painful tendons at back of knees interrupt my sleep. Just to clarify, I only took ibuprofen for a few days last week for those symptoms but it didn’t make much difference 5/n
My coughing and shortness of breath seem to occur more often if I’m speaking to someone, like on the phone once I’ve spoken a few sentences. Hence during the day, I tend to remain silent and communicate by typing on WhatsApp whenever I can 6/n
However, even whilst sitting down writing this thread, just breathing normally, I find myself coughing sometimes, and my chest doesn’t feel quite right. 7/n
If I take a deep breath right now, it leads me to cough. That never happened before this evening 8/n
I got sent a video by many friends on WhatsApp of a doctor in London recommending breathing exercises to help with relieving covid-19 symptoms. I have been doing them, but it turns out this advice isn’t for everyone – Trusted information is critical 9/n
Testing? I note that some drive through swabbing hubs are open but you need a referral after being assessed on the phone via NHS 111. I don’t think I’m in a fit state to drive, and neither do I want to take a cab whilst I might be contagious 10/n
I have found 2 examples of tests available to order online, privately, not via the NHS. This one claims to be 100% accurate, is PCR and is £400 including delivery. That’s a lot of money! 11/n
Another test offered is cheaper, at £249, and they claim 99.9% accuracy. Both of these tests they would send you the swab to your home, and you would send it back to them for analysis in their lab, so not that rapid 12/n
Personally, I have no idea if I can trust these tests, if they are what I need right now? – so I will call the NHS 111 service tomorrow and see what they say about testing. One of my friends called them the other day and had to wait 2 hours before he could speak to someone! 13/n
I hope I manage to have a more restful sleep tonight and I hope you are in a position to stay at home as much as possible during this challenging time /end
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