I would like to do a mini-Twitter thread on the topic I wrote about on this particular thread. The original one had two main messages:

1) You need to practice to do whatever you want to do well.


2) Take a chill approach to writing - don't fret, don't over-stress.
The third point emerged but I am not sure if people understood the main message.

I said that you need to write with enough authority and evidence to allow your writing to withstand scrutiny, but that said scrutiny should be provided by people who care about you.
On a regular basis, I ask fellow scholars to scrutinize my work, and provide me with feedback.

I VERY, VERY, VERY carefully choose the people I ask for advice. If I wanted to be emotionally obliterated by Reviewer 2 on a regular basis, I would.

I don't.

I like receiving...
... feedback from people who are super smart, but also who will be kind and generous and take care of not trying to make me feel like I'm stupid.

I have many people in that particular posse, and I ask them depending on the topic. For example, on global environmental politics...
... I ask @busbyj2 @StacyDVanDeveer @SJinnah2 @kmoneill2530 @charlesbroger @thomasnhale @racheltiller (just to mention a few).

These are well-respected scholars who will scrutinize my work and challenge my thinking all the while being kind and generous and sweet & constructive.
I mentioned a few other scholars whom I respect a lot and whom will give me honest and generous feedback in this thread https://twitter.com/raulpacheco/status/1248979600950136832
You can follow @raulpacheco.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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