Patriots, it's ok to question.
Even the plan or POTUS, its logical thinking, nothing wrong with that.
But you can't let your emotions override your sense of reason, just because things don't happen according to your timeline doesn't mean they won't happen...
This is war, and strategy is needed to take out a massive infection in this country and others. We are fighting an enemy who's infiltrated literally everything, we that cannot be swiped clean in just a couple of years. The vastness of this situation..
Is beyond the average mindset. In war there are casualties, and that is to be expected. But do not forget, this is the first time since our nations founding to eliminate this evil entity that has infiltrated us. Remember, emotions cloud your judgement...
Weaken your sense of reasoning. This plan is the only shot we have to make things right for future generations and to no longer be enslaved. So put emotions aside, dont expect things to happen at your will, and understand that this is beyond yourself.
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