
I don’t know who this lady is. We have never met. I don’t even see her on my TL.

She just slid into my DMs one day with affirmations. And continued to do so constantly from then on.

Some of her random messages found me at my lowest. Especially in 2019. And kept me afloat. https://twitter.com/gacheriangie/status/1249007410267725825
So this is for you @gacheriangie:

Thank you for existing.

Thank you for deciding to be kind to an internet stranger for no reason. Your words have carried me through a lot of darkness, heartbreak, self-doubt and pain.

Seeing your DM/mentions now automatically lifts my spirits.
Thank you for helping carrying me through a year I wasn’t sure I would survive.

Thank you for being among the first people to notice when I came back to the TL after a wellness break. And for that sweet birthday message that I missed in the said break.
This is honestly one of the loveliest things anyone has ever done for me. Consistent, kind, nontransactional, anonymous affection.

I don’t even know what you do. TF!

Where do you live!? What do you look like? Do you like Kericho Gold? Are you like a kindness catfish? Confusion!
I’d love to know you more. So I am shooting my friendship shot here.

It is okay if you are more comfortable remaining a nearanymous internet stranger as is.

Just know that you will never spend a coin on anything I ever create. If I’m in a show/book, your ticket/copy is on me.
I hope you never lack in love (or anything) in your life @gacheriangie.

Again, thank you. 🙏🏿

I’m literally out if words. And I have a reputation for verbosity.

Here is some random love right back:
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