every once in a while i remember that people only see me as a girl bc i wear often dress feminine and am afab, then proceed to try and squeeze me into a box of what they think a nonbinary person should look like, which is v biased and often v white centric so take this
what i mean by white centric is i googled androgynous bc i’m dumb and don’t know how to spell and the top 4 images that accompanied it were white people. the stock image was a white person. the media’s on view on nb ppl are robots and ...white people
even when i do dress “androgynous” with like a baggy t-shirt and jeans, no makeup, i get misgendered as a boy! but how can that be if i’m not giving off any specific gender energy? oh yeah, bc my black ass has never fit the idea of androgynous bc it’s steeped in bs
before i even identified as nb, it was painfully clear that literally the tiniest thing can change how people view you. i went from have a perm to have an afro. my style didn’t change but i got so many “sir”s and “young man”s that i made me hate my body and how i looked
my gender is how i feel in my heart and that’s that. it don’t matter if you see me in a full face of makeup and a dress, i still use they/them. also gendering clothes is dumb. let my non-binary friends look as cute as they want how they want. okay bye
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