since nathan r slur ass cant read let’s debunk his debunk!
shows this screenshot somehow saying the people in this groupchat are racist. he simply said he was black and someone asked are u for trump, there are loads of black republicans and no one said he wasn’t black. this comment has nothing to do with brizoe either
first of all, we asked you to send pictures of these supposed “white girls” you have that are brizoe and you never did. he also guessed bris hair color along with that one one sent any asian pictures saying they were brizoe, he has NO provided screenshots at all
the person writing this thread was under the impression that this WAS nathan, apparently she was incorrect but he did not respond to any of the facts she stated knowing he was wrong and had nothing to defend himself
their friends DID leave you alone. a 3rd party stated the facts with recorded screenshots on a twitter thread, sharing a REAL story with the world. you cant get mad at people showing the world what bethany and nathan did
LASTLY! he claims this “fake screenshot” was sent by ZOE (klaroscoven) and that she threatened him when it is a known fact it was user kaiparkcrs on instagram who sent it in someone who is NOT zoe, so please nathan tell me how you debunked this
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