I genuinely believe Scottish football is full of well intentioned good people but the problem on this latest debacle is we’ve lost sight of trying to bring everyone together during this horrendous time. These proposals simply don’t do that. They create division and mistrust 1
What every club wants and needs first and foremost is the prize money, if that isn’t possible because of articles of association or other such things then get the members to vote to change it then give them the money & wait to call the season at a later date 2.
If we can’t finish the season for whatever reason then we must do everything in our power to make sure no club is unfairly penalised by cancelling the season, that might involve restructuring and 2 extra clubs coming up. 3
“Oh but they’ll never vote for 2 extra mouths to feed” well at times like this we must be pulling together and having 2 extra clubs is a small price to pay for saving clubs that are the heartbeat of their communities. 4
Let’s explore every possible avenue for extra revenue to help finance not just 2 extra clubs but to help maintain and build our clubs after this pandemic. These clubs are so important to the country they’re worth saving and in the process trying to bringing the country together.
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