Let's be clear. Everyone, *everyone* knew that Labour HQ have been wrecking since day one of Corbyn's leadership. The PLP, the press, the members, everyone.
I'd be extremely surprised if there's even the slightest comeback on anyone for this, but the people involved should be ashamed of themselves. They allowed their own petty rivalries to utterly toxify discussion of antisemitism rather than take measures to deal with it.
Even now these same figures are obstructing and dodging, they'll throw up enough smoke to get away with it, and that toxicity will still remain. They're happy to ruin lives and terrify communities for their own pitiful ends.
I'm absolutely fucking raging.
Eagerly awaiting the forensic analysis of the current leader on this one.
I've written about this a few times, good to have something to vindicate it. https://twitter.com/RavenholmCLP/status/1216675230636281860?s=19
Hey! Remember this from literally yesterday? https://twitter.com/RavenholmCLP/status/1248889431177781248?s=19
You can follow @RavenholmCLP.
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