Ok. I feel like this has to be said again. I saw some hate on Crystal and I just wanted to talk about it. If you don't like her whatever I'm not telling you how to feel, but you don't get to talk crap. (Obviously, a thread)
Unless you know them both personally you can't say Crystal is a bad person or that Michael is unhappy because while we may think things, because we don't know them we can never truly know.
And despite all the "tea" you have dug up about her, I guarantee you have done horrible things in your life, too. I don't doubt that she has done bad things before and probably lately because SHE IS HUMAN LIKE ALL OF US!
We all make mistakes and have been hurt by others who make mistakes, but we are saved in the forgiveness of others. If someone you didn't know hated you for one thing you said, you would be angry and people would back you up.
And because she is in the spotlight you feel enabled to make judgments and "cancel" her. Which yes, you can feel some type of way about her whatever, but you are not allowed to hate on someone you do not know because of the bad things she has done.
Yes, I love her. I think she is great. Yes, I have seen the "tea" but I can forgive that because of how supportive she is not only of 5sos but of the fans, too. And I know that hate is perpetuated more than love, so this thread is now all the reasons I think Crystal is a queen
She has been tweeting non-stop about Billboard and the 10k they refuse to count. She has helped and continues to help fans get noticed. Even though many people (including myself) disagree with her, she is not afraid to express her political opinions.
Yes, you could make the argument that I also do not know her personally and so my judgement about her as a good person is just as baseless as yours. However, I saw the same "tea" as you did and I decided to not judge her by all the bad that she has done, but all of the good.
I decided to chose love over hate. I hope you do, too, because regardless of if you think she is a good person or not, stop sending her hate. You don't have to send her love, but stop contributing to the negativity in the world. We have more than enough already.
So stop acting like you can tell when Michael is happy and when he isn't, because as much as it feels like we know them and they are our friends, we don't. So let him be, because he is a grown man and can make his own decisions. Instead, stream CALM and make #billboardspeakup
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