It’s often hard to connect with people when you’re on different spiritual wavelengths. I feel like, to an extent, it impacts certain friendships as the barrier limits your level of closeness to them.
I can’t determine if that’s a good thing or not. Should our spiritual growth mean we distance ourselves from people who we think are our dearest? Or is it a moment of enlightenment on people and things that have held you back from achieving your potential.
I feel like I’m stuck in this weird in-between paradigm. Care for others or care for my soul? Do I burn bridges for the greater good or carry on usual for the sake of please.
Peace* but please(ing)works too. Because that’s essentially what we do. Aim to please others and tiptoe over hurting feelings, while self-sabotaging our wellbeing. Where do we draw the line. Since when did we become so obliged to slowing down our growth for the sake of others?
It’s true you ‘outgrow’ people. Not because you were selfish or turned their back on them, but because it held you back from GROWTH. And I believe that’s something you cannot sacrifice on. We’re not suppose to be stagnant in this life. That was never our purpose in this world.
And if someone makes you feel crap about it, then that’s a bridge burned for the better. Because the one you love should never hold you back from spiritual growth. Instead, motivate and push each other for more of it, together. That’s valuable friendship.
That’s the end of my TedTalk (for now)(cos my life my rules uno)) x
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