Just when I wrote about established narratives there’s another one here. So a short thread.
Germany is treating 26 Italian patients in German hospitals, 81 more ICU places have been offered to Italy, the patients were flown by the Italian and German air forces. Germany also sent a team of doctors to Italy (April 2) https://twitter.com/HeikoMaas/status/1245598172329566208?s=20
All of that, of course, with Germany’s own AfD “why are you giving away hospital beds in the middle of a pandemic” people. And it’s not like Germany is an island of happiness without pandemic and in economic bliss.
As to the pandemic: The RKI experts have prepared German‘s for rising death rates. Unlike Italy, which had the horrendous bad luck that old and sick people were afflicted early on, in Germany the virus hit young sportive vacationers first.
Now: make no mistake about it. I favour a move towards coronabonds. And am disappointed in Merkel in particular for not making the jump. But that does not prevent me from acknowledging that there have been positive developments.
But I do realise that the narrative will not change. It is too convenient. Too engrained. And it distracts from tough questions. Like: what did we do to help Italy? What did I do?
In fact, you can ignore all of my ramblings, insult any country or person you want, as long as you do donate to the Croce Rossa in Italy. Because the one thing that remains true is that we do need each other’s help.
Final note: this thread criticises the narrative. Not Andrew Neil. He was not reporting - he was asking for information. Which is perfectly fine on twitter. In fact, this seems to be one of the points of this tool.
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