PRESS RELEASE: Indian American groups condemn scapegoating of Muslims for Coronavirus spread in India, urge PM Modi to stop hate (1/n)
@iamc joined @Hindus4HR in condemning the escalation of Islamophobia in India following spread of COVID-19. The horrifying levels of vitriol poured on Muslims by several media outlets and some public figures has resulted in an alarming increase in assaults on Muslims. (2/n)
In parts of the country the social and economic boycott of Muslims is being openly pursued as a response to a healthcare and humanitarian crisis that requires a unified response from the entire populace. (3/n)
Islamophobia in India has risen exponentially since news broke that some members of the Tablighi Jamaat, a Muslim religious reform movement, had met at an annual conference in New Delhi in mid-March and later tested positive for the coronavirus. (4/n)
Absent from these reports was an acknowledgement of the fact that Tabligh Jamaat conference took place before the lockdown when it was business as usual for the entire country. (5/n)
At the time of the Tablighi conference, India had not yet commenced social distancing. India’s Health Secretary Lav Agarwal told reporters, “It is important to understand that it [coronavirus] is not a health emergency,” cautioning against panic. (6/n)
It was at least four days after the conference ended that Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a daylong curfew for March 22. Air travel and trains halted only that day. Mr. Modi’s announcement of a 21-day lockdown came even later, on March 24. (7/n)
“It is shameful that the crisis of COVID-19 is being exploited by people in positions of power and influence in order to intensify religious divisions in India,” said Mr. Ahsan Khan, President of @IAMCouncil (8/n)
“The absurdity of the idea that Muslims of a specific group are working to spread the deadly disease is matched only by the brazenness with which it is being vocalized by some politicians and influential media anchors,” added Mr. Khan.  (9/n)
“weaponization of COVID-19 as a means to advance Hindutva’s agenda of marginalizing Muslims is a travesty of Hinduism. Such propaganda & bigotry will only derail the work of healthcare workers working on the front lines,” said Sunita Viswanath of @Hindus4HR (10/n)
People believing canard of “devious Muslims” working to spread the disease must ask themselves why on March 14, the first day of the 2 day Tablighi event, HM Amit Shah was chief guest at convocation of AIMMS at Rishikesh with hundreds in the audience without social distancing.
You can follow @IAMCouncil.
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