You know what I want? You kneeling, thighs spread slightly, hands resting on them, palms down. But don’t bow your head to me, baby. Look up at me, devour me with your eyes. I want to see your desire, your need, your submission to me in your eyes.
I step closer, hand in your hair, fingers curling. Your eyes close, so I tug gently to get your attention back on me. You sit up a bit straighter, watching & waiting. I lick and suck one of my fingers before tracing your lips, smiling as they part for me.
Leaning down, I kiss your mouth rough, needy, our tongues trailing and sliding against lips. I moan into your mouth and you stiffen, your hands curling into fists against your thighs. I smile and pull away, standing back up, now even closer to you.
My fingers tighten in your hair, pulling you to me, your face just inches from my lace panties, the same ones you wore just a few minutes ago. Our scents mix as my wetness soaks through.
Your eyes are barely open, still desperately trying to focus on mine. I whisper, “Sweet boy, you’ve been so good,” as I pull the panties to the side. You lick your lips as they part in anticipation, still looking into my eyes. I bite my bottom lip as I pull you forward.
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