Water placements 💧||♋︎|| ♏︎ ||♓︎ || (sun, moon, rising, venus & jupiter)

Please note that these are channeled messages for the collective. Only take what resonates, leave the rest.

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There was a fall out in the recent past with someone significant. They are regretting letting you go. Something you said or did made them feel really triggered or insecure. I’m not sure if its actually your fault the seperation happened.
Something about the situation wasn’t balanced however this person is severing ties with anyone and anything that is blocking this union. For some this was a third party situation and that chapter is closing. This person male/female, (though I’m sensing masculine energy-
-here has been holding on and trying to figure out what is the right decision for their own highest good. They’re focusing on their coins in the meantime. There’s a lot of clarity coming to light. Some of you have been having dreams and this person has as well.
You two feel bound to one another. There is a lot of deep and fiery passion. They’re really in their head about you and are feeling insecure. They see you as their divine counterpart, still something tells me this union was never expected at first. It took you both by surprise -
-it’s like the way you 2 met really was random. Nonetheless they’re manifesting a small offer, they want this victory with you. Keep in mind to take this slow as there is no rush with divine union like this. I’m seeing the numbers 3, 5, & 8 might be significant.
Pay attention to your dreams and the signs you’ve been receiving. Expect to hear from this person soon but please make sure you are doing the necessary shadow work. This won’t work out if you two rush in and act like there aren’t things you both need to heal.

Peace & love! ❤️
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