I don't know about you but this Wuhan China COVID-19 Chinese Coronavirus situation has me really pissed off.

Especially after I thought about it side-by-side with 9/11.

Follow my emotion here folks.

The Wuhan China COVID-19 Chinese Coronavirus will change our lives ...

... forever. Especially if we don't do something about it. Government will insinuate itself in our lives, in every respect, even more than today.

Worship, health care, education, food, infrastructure, everything. Every f****** thing.

Don't believe me?

Think about 9/11.

Think about what we allow to have done to us because a handful of crazy Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists decided to hijack a few planes and kill Americans. They were f****** murderers. They murdered thousands of us.

We took little or no retribution on the countries that funded them and allowed them to thrive so they could plan their evil machinations. Sure, we got Osama bin Laden, and a few others, but everybody else got off scot-free.

And we essentially have to disrobe ...

... in front of stranger-neighbors, and be given a proctology exam by government workers who aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. We put our s*** through scanners, as we do our bodies. We have to pack our s*** in little containers, we have to take ...

... our "electronics" out of our bags, we have to remove our shoes, and then essentially get an electronic colonoscopy.

We have to go get new driver's licenses, and pay for them. We're not allowed to have anybody greet us at an airport gate, and we're not allowed ...

... to send someone off from an airport gate.

Not surprisingly, many of us have forgotten that we were able to do these things before 9/11. And younger Americans have grown up with this so they see it as "normal".

The government significantly encroached ...

... "for our safety", and that encroachment will now never go away.

Keep that thought in your head as we move to talk about the Coronavirus.

The Chinese caused this. Whether it leaked from a lab, or came as a result of Chinese "wet markets", their diabolical need ...

... for control, and world domination, resulted in the CCP not telling the world what they knew & causing tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of deaths.


This isn't something for debate, it's f****** fact. THEY CAUSED THIS!

And now, we ...

... have government telling us what to do, where to do it, how to do it, it's incredible.

I don't know about you, but I've never experienced anything like this before.

And now we're finding that we don't even know what we don't know about this situation. It was ...

... likely here in November or December. While it's an awful malady, it may not be much worse than typical flus we've experienced.

But the government's now insinuated even further into our lives. Nothing will happen to the Chinese. And, several years from now ...

... we'll be living in the "new normal".



Unless we decide to wake up, and do something about this.

I think the country, and the world, is ripe to take action. There are enough people like you and me, pissed off that s*** like this ...

... has been going on, and a**holes across the world have taken advantage of situations, like 9/11 and the virus, to simply f*** us over.

I don't know about you, but I've had enough.

I'm not going to be polite about it. I'm not going to use proper language ...

... or politically correct phraseology. I don't give a s*** about your pronouns. I don't give a s*** if you think I'm bigoted because I think you're crazy for believing there are more than 2 genders. I DON'T CARE.

And I am going to call out every a**hole who's been ...

... participating in, and enabling, this corrupt, anti-humanity, plan. Big or small.

You with me?

Warning, it's not gonna be easy. You're going to be called names. You may encounter physical violence. You may have to protect yourself in all constitutionally-valid ways.

But I know one thing. In the end, truth and good ALWAYS triumph.

Sure it will be hard work, sure it will be a challenge, but we must persevere and make it happen.

It's going to require months & years. It's going to be a slog. It will require effort every day, every ...

... hour of every day.

We might as well get to work.

Because, as @realDonaldTrump
likes to say ...


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