Soooooooooo it’s the world gonna talk about how Chinese are treating blacks/ Africans in China. Blaming them for the COVID-19... or it’s only important when it other race?,!,!?
Since everybody and their granny wanna play blind to what is and has been happening in CHINA towards Africans.. while they are in OUR Continent, doing whatever the hell they damn want .. I’m gonna have a thread about it @Echinanews @ChinaDaily
firstly,this shit abt asian/Specifically Chinese being ignorant n racist towards Africans,did not start today or yda,it has always been there. Let me just start,by saying. I don’t hate any race or ethnic group.i just hate the shit they are too used to doing towards us.
And shit is really getting out of hand.. that being said. If you see a problem besides the one am trying to point out then you are PART of the shit that is wrong with this world, n you need to get that in check...
A lot of Africans had been forcibly moved from their homes,n even hotels turned them away,which leads them to sleeping on the street.There had been confirmed of 114 imported cases of Covid 19.But out of that only 16 of of them were Africans.The rest were Chinese who returned back
they claim that it's to all foreigners, but are only targeting Africans/American.
Words cant express how disgusted i am abt this.N knowing the only thing i can do,is spread perception of the situation. Asians are one of the most racist n ignorant ppl towards black,the painful shit here is, there’s a lot of people that actually defends their racist behavior-
talking about.. " they don't know. they don't understand" as if the internet isn't big enough for everybody to learn. some of them CHOOSE to be that way, they choose to ignore it when it's happening right in front of them.. so miss me with that bs
they were thrown out by their innkeeper, and had nowhere to go. This is so disgusting and humiliating. Chinese are in every part of Africa reaping what they did not sow. And they had the effrontery to pull this. @ChinaDaily @XHNews
I don’t wanna be that person, but sometimes we have to stop playing Martin luther king jr. And start playing Malcom x. “Be peaceful, be courteous,obey the law,respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.”and I am here for EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT
it seems like we Africans/ American have to continually keep reminding those mfs that Slavery is long gone, and it wont be coming back. Love seeing my ppl stand for themselves, the news doesn’t show that

“How you treat our embassy is very important, but how you treat our citizens is more important to us”
Let me just add this in, a Chinese Restaurant IN NIGERIA REFUSED to service NIGERIAN, those ppl r so racist n ignorant that they forget themselves.. how u gonna discriminate someone in THEIR country. There’s NO acceptable reason to discriminate,but abeg even in the person Country
Oh how abt this,a Chinese restaurant in Kenya that dont serves blacks. as long u aint black u r good,in KENYA NAIROBI. U can only enter as African in AFRICA if u r accompanied by Chinese,Europeans or Indian.bc their Chinese ppl feel more safe if black dont enter. in AFRICA,KENYA
This just got to show,how little they care,n how much they know.d way my blood was boiling during this thread.I only care for my BLACK ppl. I aint gonna be no superhero 4 any1 n be treated like shit by d world.We black ppl r always superheroes 4 others, where is our black knights
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