Paradise kiss. Kebetulan time tu bosan tengok xde kartun best kat astro ceria so main tukar2 channel. Time tu channel animax baru lagi. Since then mmg bukak channel tu je. Tapi sayang skjp je channel tu free pastu dh kena subscribe. So sampai ke sudah tak hbs tgk
Tpi start dri situ baru kenal apa itu anime. Idk how I differentiate it. But since that never call anime as cita kartun. Hahaha. Paradise kiss tu dhla cun scene *tuttt* 😂😂😂 Tak ingat umur brp masa tu. Around 8 to 10 kot. When ah animax channel wujud kat astro đŸ€”
Woah. Betul lah umur 8 tahun. I was super frustrated when I can't no longer watch that channel. Nak mintak parents subs takut jadi beban. Bcs I'm the only one who will watch it. So everytime there's anime on other channel(tv3 etc) I will watch it. Layan je semua. I'm just a kid.
I don't have many resources. But I really like anime. Anything that related with anime sparks my joy. But I can't express it. Bcs my parents doesn't really support my interest. They don't allow me to buy manga or magazines. Waste of money and doesn't contribute to my education.
Wow. I should stop. This thread make me sound like a weirdo.
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