It still hurts to follow a bigger artist only to find out a day or two later you were blocked... it circles back to feeling alone in the freelance side of the fandom. I don’t get invited/allowed in fursuit maker groups nor artist groups. I’m not allowed to participate in fursuit
friday or other viral “furry trends”. Most times when I am invited into a group, I find out a day or two later that I got kicked from it.

How many years have to go by before people start taking my progress and all the hard work I do seriously? How many years does the fandom need
before they let artists that made poor business mistakes move on and be accepted?? Or is this just “you gotta hate me forever because it’s easier than respecting me or acknowledging my efforts.”

It’s always easier to point fingers and stay mad vs moving on and growing up.
You can follow @StrawberryJemma.
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