the fact of the mater is unless a woman is sexualised, society, no matter what community you look at, will always be uncomfortable with women owning up to their sexuality. be it writing about sex, wanting sex, having sex, not having sex, not having sex with men.
and you can twist that however you want but that discomfort is not okay. unless a woman steps out of bounds and disrespects someone or actually commits a crime, you should not feel uncomfortable with women exploring sexual themes.
wlw rs are dismissed and belittled unless they're not about sex. and when they are about sex, they're immediately fetishized. why do wlw turn to mlm for content? well bc the content we are given is either sad or overly fetishising or non existent.
and yes ofc we should create more wlw content. i would love for that to be more available but we can't have that conversation if you don't understand and acknowledge that
1. sometimes you don't always want to be the creator, you want to consume. but you can't consume if there's
nothing to consume.
and 2. creating content that will not be read or only read by a few is very hard. it's not easy investing time and energy in a story that won't receive the same hype as another one will.

and of course that's something that we should discuss as well. the fact
mlm stories are more appealing to audiences than trans, nb or wlw stories! we should all strive to create and consume more of those contents as well. support every content creator! but you can't dismiss the fact that wlw and trans and nb content creator fall back to mlm content
bc it's more easily accessible. and you can't ignore the misoginy behind calling wlw fetishists or hags or creepy for writing mlm. something that mlm writers don't have to face.
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