Watching Crash Landing on You, a K-drama about a Korean Kim Kardashian getting lost in the demilitarized zone and falling in love with a North Korean soldier.

It is hilarious.

North Koreans speak in "u" like North Spaniards, with the same melody, and it is VERY CONFUSING.
He just stepped into a mine, el Asturiano, and thinks he can solve things with a gun.

She is amazing.

Thank you, @black_tym , for the recommendation.
My 🐍🍶spirit animal is the soldier in the corner and the snake in the jar.
The border guards, distracted by dramas -- oh the humanity.

I'm tagging @aburrido354 porque yo creo que lo gozaría.
El del traje de luces beige.
Ok so that guy is the bad guy, Dark Union, etc. - but I see many holes in his plan. Like, why would you move to NORTH KOREA after stealing a bajillion monies?

Then again, why did the Emperor set up base in Sexegol when he had the entire Galaxy?
Crazy genre mix in just the first episode. Here, have some thriller-horror.
¿Corea del Norte, 2019 o Asturias en 1937?

"Puede que se la haya comido un jabalí."
"Mira, mejor, así no tenemos que lidiar con el papeleo."
¿Te lo digo yo o dejo que te lo cuente el jabalí, Yoon?
Yoon, thinking about all the things she's about to do now that she's definitely not in rural North Corea.
The physical therapy.
Brought to you by Mastercard.
Telenovelas con filtro comunista.
I love that it's the border guard that indulges in South Korean Dramas the one in charge of doing cultural translation for the group -- art and food brings people together.
Thirst, the universal language.
OMG 🔥🔥
This sounds like a sexual metaphor.
"The meat is resting in the salt crock," wink wink nudge nudge.
Yoon, fascinada por las cuevas de Cabrales.
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