Okay okay hold up I need to talk about this
so... @LarpHouse has been making TikToks with their OC Parker (aka the villain Powerline) and I just
all of you need to look?? at this majesty??


These videos are QUALITY. The acting is amazing (they are able to portray a 1/
character that makes me feel sympathy that turns to surprise and also just straight up admiration within less than FIFTEEN SECONDS and yes I have a specific video in mind that I will link at the end of this thread) on every level, so ten points there. The different layers of 2/
practical FX (which are apparently MAKESHIFT??!!) are stunning, another ten points. The DIGITAL effects added in post are also amazing and edited in a way that makes them seem realistic, which is not something usually said about magical powers. Ten points. The VIBES this 3/
character gives off are excellent. Ten points. THE COSTUMING, oh my god, I could talk about the parallel between Parker’s 70s-esque clothes and Powerline’s 80s outfit forever, holy shit, definitely worth ten points. Also, and this may be the most important part, this character 4/
that Azrai has created is *deep breath* a mildly conceited, 80s, rainbow, non-binary, bioelectric vampire villain. That deserves at least twenty points on its own. That’s a total of seventy points and a massive round of applause from me. Now go watch their content, they’ve 5/
made what are essentially movie scenes and the sheer level of artistry makes me want to cry. 6/
The specific video I had in mind:


But also this one because LOOK AT THE COSTUME:


8/8, end of thread
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