1000 souls lost in the UK today... 2000 in the US... all covid deaths. That’s not calculating the other natural & accidental/unnatural deaths that happen every day regardless of covid.
Stay with me:
I’ve survived 3000+ people die in my life time due to a civil war. The troubles/1
I lost me son to those days. Many lost lives, some I knew, many I didn’t. But I understood all the pain. I walked hallow for near a decade before I could take a breath deeper than the shallows of my broken soul.
Those losses were spread over 30 years... a gutting war/2
Brutal losses of life with reason that holds no value compared to the pricelessness of the breaths stolen.
You’re holding your breath now
You may not even know it yet

But eventually you will need to breathe... & when you really do... when you try to... the air thick with dead/3
You will be drowned in the pain. Overwhelmed at the losses. You are losing 1000+ of your own every single day. You will be touched. You will know what it is to struggle for breathe, to suddenly see the piles of bodies. Real lives. Not numbers. Humans lost. Lost to arrogance/4
Lost to politics, lost to the wrath of economy over people, lost to a failure to cooperate, communicate... a failure to get out of your own damn way.
We must hold our governing bodies to the fire so they start protecting our people first. /5
We need to start the greatest global action ever taken. An accountability of mass magnitude.
Because those that lead us should not be allowed to lead us to the grave without question.
It’s time for people to have a real discussion about our leaders. /6
You’re going to need to take a breathe soon
When you do you’ll have to face the morgues of our nations. Of our globe.
There are no Covid awards
No red carpet of virus handling
One Earth
One response
Because a virus bows to no man. We need to move as one so we can save the many
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