Hey Lutheran tweeps, I need some input y'all. What are your thougths on "spiritual communion"?
Up until the #CoronavirusPandemic I had just thought "hey those things make sense in extreme circumstances for the faithful who can't receive the sacraments".
But now that I was supposed to be confirmed tonight at the #EasterVigil all of the consoling from Catholics that "you want to partake in Communion so the grace is there for you" just sounds so very... Calvinist 🤷‍♂️
Like, the grace of the Body and Blood of Christ are there because I believe they are.
During a time when our bishops are withholding the sacraments from pretty much *everyone*, this just seems like it *undermines* the idea of the Eucharist's power.
Alright, back to my Lutheran tweeps, how are your congregations handeling this? Any talk of "spiritual communion"? Are you just pointing each other to the Word of God? Is there just no substitute for the Body and Blood of Christ?
*I won't be arguing in this thread so let the theological ponderings fly
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