πŸ‘‰πŸ»To anyone who "will never vote" for so-and-so:
You're not voting for President.
πŸ‘‰You're voting for who replaces Ruth Bader Ginsburg. πŸ‘‰You're voting for the next Secretary of Education. πŸ‘‰You're voting for Federal Judges. πŸ‘‰You're voting for saving national parks.
πŸ‘‰You're voting for letting kids out of cages. πŸ‘‰You're voting for clean air and clean water. πŸ‘‰You're voting for scientists to be allowed to speak about climate change. πŸ‘‰You're voting for what the President says on Twitter. πŸ‘‰You're voting for housing rights.
πŸ‘‰You're voting for LGBT+ people to be treated with dignity. πŸ‘‰You're voting for non-Christians to be able to adopt and to feel like full citizens. πŸ‘‰You're voting for Dreamers. πŸ‘‰You're voting so that there will be Social Security and Medicare when you retire.
πŸ‘‰You're voting for veterans to get the care they deserve. πŸ‘‰You're voting for rural hospitals. πŸ‘‰You're voting so that someone else can have health insurance. πŸ‘‰You're voting for PBS. πŸ‘‰You're voting to have a President who doesn't embarrass this country every time
she or he attends an international meeting. πŸ‘‰And you're voting against allowing the USA to become yet another authoritarian regime.
No Democrat is perfect. But here's the thing--and I need you to understand it--the nominee, no matter who she or he is, will not be perfect.
They won't pass your purity test. And yet every single one of them will be better than four more years of Trump.
You can follow @saxysnake.
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