One in every 200 women will conceive after a tubal ligation. (I was one of those 200.) Two in 1000 vasectomies fail. EVERY. METHOD. OF. CONTRACEPTION. HAS. A. FAILURE. RATE. #prochoiceisprolife
Not to mention how insanely difficult it is to find a doc willing to perform 1 on you if you’re under 35, single, childless, don’t have the # of kids some rando stranger thinks you should, etc. (My quest took TWO YRS, and I was 25, divorced, w/ a toddler.)
And here’s the original misogynistic, moronic tweet, ahead of his likely deletion:
PS: Don’t even get me started on adoption. I am an adoptee. My existence is not evidence that my mother was anti-choice—it’s evidence she was ALLOWED no choice. #abortionishealthcare #prochoiceisprolife #adopteevoices
PPS: I should have written, “I was that one in 200,” in the 1st tweet in this thread. I conceived after my tubal. Too many women do, but that’s not information most OB/GYNs share, unfortunately.
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