A few things I learned over the years that help with decreasing depression at a biological level when you’re stuck inside in sedentary mode:

- Vitamin D supplements
- Calisthenics until you sweat for endorphins
- Regular sleep schedule
- Eating healthy
Developing healthy psychological habits got me through many rough moments. Everyone will have something unique that works for them.

What helped me achieve a state of mind over matter:
- keeping a gratitude journal
- hanging around positive people
- maintain a healthy routine
Emotional strength and good habits takes practice and a lot of time to develop, often through trial and error.

Be kind to yourself.

*These tweets were prompted by emails from students writing me about feeling depressed. Wanted to share truncated advice here also.
Oh yeah, and talk to somebody! You’re not alone.

Try reaching out to your campus counseling center.

Or mental health hotline.

Or social media friends.

You got this.
You can follow @katychuang.
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