Growing up I was taught to pray this prayer at mealtime. "God is great, God is good, and we thank him for our food; by his hand we must be fed, give us Lord our daily bread. Amen." Few Americans pray for daily bread any longer. They presume upon it.
They think themselves self-sufficient. There is no “by his hand we must be fed” in their worldview. Moreover they do not thank God for being the source of all blessings including daily sustenance. “Amen” means “it is so.” Vast numbers of Americans think and live like it isn’t so.
God is good & God is great in the created order but that is exceeded by his goodness & greatness in salvation. On Good Friday, we remember the greatness & goodness of God in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus is God incarnate (greatness). Jesus is our Savior (goodness).
Yet, God is good to them. That means he is exceedingly kind, generous, and benevolent “to the ungrateful and wicked “(Lk 6:35). This is called common grace. It is bestowed on all humanity contrary to what humanity deserves.
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