For those of you who believe this COVID -19 is overblown I want to you tell my experience. We got everyone out of our office on 3/12 except 6 of us. We were in working to fill all the demands coming from our retailers we serve. The rest of us worked in the office that next week.
Thursday and Friday of that week two individuals went out of the building in ambulances. Work for other companies not ours but we share common areas. By the next week 4 of the 6 of us sick. Not me because I am to old and ornery or more likely I had a mild case in late Feb.
Of those 4 one was in his early 30's about a week he was ok. One in his 50's sick for 4 weeks ok but still coughing. One 50's hospitalized with pneumonia but recovered well and is on the mend.
Last a long term employee and a lifelong family friend. He went in two weeks ago today. Now remember he worked the full week before no problem. Straight to ICU. Ventilator 13 days today. I believe he will make it but I fear he has severe lung damage.
56 Strong as a horse. Never missed a day. 24/7 didn't matter if it needed to be done he did it.Hundreds of thousands of people in California had meat in March because of worked he did.
My point is if it is not by you yet please take it seriously. We have been stuck inside for a month now it stinks but the alternative is much worse. As far as those of you scoffing at this as overreaction
if you read the text I receive from the wife of my employee/friend well.
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