1. It appears to me like some people are working hard to bait others to break the AA social media policy. The Boomer / Junior divide is over the top and starting to feel like it's part of The Game. Don't fall for the trickery. Don't react. Don't even acknowledge seniority.
2. If someone calls you a BOOMER or makes a snarky millennial comment, ignore it. If you ask someone how long they've been flying, they may invite you to look at the roster. Don't do it. You'll be accused of harassment. Remember the bizarre social media policy video?
3. AA rolled out social media policy video a year or so ago that felt like it was made for 5th graders. It was created to get rid of people. I believe the uptick in drama and chaos on work related pages is created on purpose to keep people in an emotionally triggered state.
4. I believe the chaos & drama is created so people are quick to react and break the policy. Baiters work together using wolf pack attack tactics. Individually they don't break rules and get away with bad behavior. As a pack they can do a lot of damage.
5. Stay calm. Don't react. Ask questions. Questions are more difficult to take out of context and twist into lies.
You can follow @Heather_Poole.
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