Regarding BOOK LENGTH: Ever since @ReviewsRain of @Night_Worms mentioned a while back (in so many words) that anything over 350 pages was too much, it has made me think about two things: 1) Should I aim for a certain page count? ...and...
...2) I wish books went by WORD COUNT rather than PAGE COUNT. Example: My first book is 388 pages/60 chapters/108,000 words. My second book is 466 pages/195 chapters/104,000 words. BOOK TWO is much thicker but is in actuality a SHORTER book. (more)...
I would hate for any of my books to be ignored simply because they appear to be too much of a time commitment. I personally like to read (and write) short chapters. Page count and word count do not seem to be relative. (one more)...
My question: I grew up reading thicker books, from SK to Tom Clancy. "Silence of the Lambs" has exactly the same number of pages as my first. Have times changed and people now want shorter books?
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