Lessons from the past week on cpap ward: 1. It’s lonely as a respiratory consultant manning the cpap ward alone and making some extremely tough choices. Talk to itu. They are making equally difficult decisions and their shared learning of this disease is invaluable.
2. The nurses are making enormous personal sacrifices and spend hours at a time in ppe. Offer to watch their patients whilst they go for a cup of tea and take off their masks. 3. Have an aid memoirs on the ward round to prone and prescribe anticipatory meds
Clinical frailty index patients >6 sadly rarely do well
Everyone is out of their comfort zone and there is some comfort in that were all in it together
Some people are sadly used to dealing with death. Help those that aren’t.
Have strict criteria for cpap wards. In a finite unit that accepts the itu stepdowns and slow weans, it is essential to have those last two beds for those who need it most. @acutemedswbh @SWBHnhs
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