The Lilo & Stitch post and the various hot takes about Han&Leia deserving a "better child" than Ben Solo are products of the same culture that sees traumatized people exclusively as a burden to their friends and caregivers
Tumblr/purity culture is obsessed with denouncing *abuse* and *toxic relationships* but is also systematically unable to identify with problematic characters who aren't perfect little rays of sunshine & respond realistically to trauma
This results in seeing the traumatized character as a source of *emotional labor*, if not a downright *abuser* (even when they're child-coded or literally a child), and appropriately punished and/or removed from their loved ones' lives
The PoV that purity culture embraces is ALWAYS the flawless hero's. But the flawless hero is not always the victim. And he or she doesn't always need to be *protected* from *toxic people*. Purity culture is completely blind to this nuance.
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