I’ve dived deep on food storage and preservation, almost like a new hobby. These berries are a week old and still firm + fresh. Filled a salad spinner with 10 parts water, one part vinegar + a drop of soap. Soaked for thirty minutes and put away like so:
Here’s how to store cilantro, this is about 5 days old & fresh. Dont know the science 100% but it has to do with the gasses fresh produce emits, so a plastic bag on top keeps everything good for awhile. Gotta change the water every few days though. this also works for asparagus.
Same deal with gasses for celery, but for celery you want to wrap in tin foil. 7 days old and very firm.

Also instead of pulling off whole stalks, keep the base intact, cut off what you need from whole thing at once, working your way down from the top
Last tip - apples emit a ton of gas that ripen, and eventually spoil, other fruit, don’t store apples (or pears) near other fruits and veggies. Wrap apples in paper towel or newspaper and stick em somewhere on their own.
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