This needs to stop. Seasoning is not causing our health issues.

I love how y’all look past unequal access to resources & medical care, being harassed by cops, being systemically paid less, redlining so our homes are in polluted areas, etc & think it’s damn seasoning
I’ve talked about this before
We really need to unpack the levels of socialization because many of us are spreading white supremacy under the front of Black power without realizing:
Let’s be real: 1 thing killing ppl in the US in the high levels of processed sugars, salts & other additives (called by names we don’t recognize)that’s being systemically snuck into all of our food. And companies & lobbyists have been pressuring our gov to continue to poison us
It’s not Black ppl “overseasoning” the food we cook at home

It’s putting all this sugar in milk. It’s food dyes that give ppl allergic reactions. It’s 1,000mg of sodium in a 1/4 cup serving size. It’s making ppl think cooking is too hard & making processed food cheaper than veg
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