Here are some very nice birds I saw in Costa Rica to compliment your Saturday.

Let’s start with the white-throated mountain gem which is know for producing involuntary chef-kiss gestures in those who see it.
Nomming scarlet macaw. These birds are so fucking loud.
A badass black hawk
The hummingbirds in Central Anerica need to settle down. This green violetear is just too much!
Resplendent quetzal. In the first photo it’s eating its favorite food, the native avocado. Most animals can’t eat avocados because they contain persin, a fungicidal toxin. So quetzals are a crucial seed disperser for this plant.
A male and female slaty flowerpiecer at work. Instead of sipping nectar with long bills and tongues, they simply “steal” it by puncturing the flower’s base.
A charming hummingbird. No really, that’s it’s name. I told you, these hummers are out of control.
An fiery-billed aracari waiting out a rainstorm under a cecropia leaf. Aracaris are basically small toucans. Their larger cousin, the black mandibled toucan, also liked the cecropia trees
Real hummingbird or a sneaky photoshop?
Real! Thanks to structural color (which uses physics rather than pigment to make color) this fiery throated hummingbird is capable of an instant wardrobe change.
A green honeyeater looking fabulous.
And finally look👏at👏the👏pantaloons👏on👏this👏yellow-thighed finch!
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