Today I saw that Nigeria has failed millions of people who have no voice, I cursed the people who got us here. .

I met a man and his little girl today, he helps people push loads at various markets (ALABARU), after transport expenses, he’s left with 600 naira per day..
Since the beginning of this stay-at-home order, he has not been able to go out, he has a little girl they’ve been starving, point of death starving.

They begged for food, the people who used to give them could no longer help, I got to know that, for the past 5 days...//
..//He’s been coming to the farm with his little girl to take cracked eggs everyday, that’s what they boil to eat, the man stays hidden and the little girl begs, I managed to hold the tears, gave the man the last 10k I had in the car, they owe houserent.

This life is unfair.
These are the “poor people” the FG said they were giving cash transfers, billions and billions on this and Nigeria has NEVER helped this man.

I have a headache, things are bad out there, people are suffering.
Before you judge, The man hides because no one would look at a grown, able bodied man begging for cracked eggs.

They will stone him, they could mislabel him as a thief parading the vicinity.
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