Those of you who are wondering about being an "indigo" kid, I'd invite you to think that there is many spectrum to this bunch. They are not always about "talking to ghosts" or "delivering the spirit". Some of them translate their sensitivity to so much more.
Let me first note that by all means I am not dimissing those who express their connections to spiritual beings. But what I'd like to express is that: do not attach them the identity that being an indigo means somehow that you're just outer-worldly. So mysterious and mystical.
The term "indigo" is narrowly discribed & doesn't help that the entertainment industry focuses on a specific trait that serves the attention of rating: prediction of the future, ghostbusters, etc. The reality is: that's not it. That's really not the mission of why they are here.
They are around you - whether you believe it or not, and often would rather keep their knowings alone (or only to some specific people) and do actionable items in reality that serve humanity and other living creatures at large. Quietly changing and serving their purposes.
They're scientists, artists, politicians, doctors, business owners. They "know" & work with each other. Their "job desc" isn't just to "predict" the future & get on tv shows. Their characters: sensitivities to life, empathetic, intelligence - serve to elevate humanity at large.
Aaaaaand as a closing note: it's okay if you don't understand any of these tweets. It's okay if you understand all of these tweets too 😂 last but not least, heroes often work behind the scene - a quiet meaningful world with less drama. Thank you for existing you light beings ♡
You can follow @dhia_fairus.
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