Have you felt it before?

You spend a long time and energy pursing a dream or goal,

But immediately it comes, you begin to feel like you don't deserve it.


You look at your life, you have achieved quite a lot
But somewhere deep down, you feel like you are a fraud and not hood enough.


You have a product, especially a service, but you are afraid to sell it, because you feel you are not qualified enough,

Even though there is clear evidence that you are well qualified.
This is impostor syndrome.

And many of us have felt it.

Impostor syndrome makes you doubt yourself.

It puts you under stress and in extreme cases can leads to anxiety and depression.

This is one of the reasons you get a good idea, but you never execute it.
You suddenly become paralysed because you feel you are not good enough.

Even when you see others doing it, you still can't get yourself to act.

This shit is real.

It is.

I have fought with it.

Today I will share some strategies that can help you overcome this feeling.
There are 5 groups of people who experience this the most:

1. Perfectionists!

These are people who want everything to be top notch.

It's like you spending weeks trying to get your website to look perfect that you never launch your product.

And if you ever do anything
that comes out imperfect and people see it,

This can discourage you so badly that you never try to do it again.

2. Experts.

The problem is that experts with impostor syndrome want to have it all figured out.

If there is any aspect of the idea that they don't know, they feel
like a fraud.

3. Soloists.

These are people who like to run solo.

They prefer yo do things on their own and so they must know it all.

If they ever have to ask for help, they instantly feel like frauds.

4. Natural genius.

These people are good at many things.
They learn skills fast and easily. They are talented.

And because they are quick learners, they believe that achievement should be easy.

Any task that requires great efforts from them instantly makes them feel like they ate frauds.

Imagine being a master at playing the piano
but when asked to play before an audience, you instantly 'die!'

5. Supermen/ Superwomen

These are high achievers with an insane work ethic.

They believe they need yo work so hard- harder than everyone else- to achieve success.

If they aren't achieveing much from their efforts
they feel like frauds.

You probably fall into one of the five.

And you seem to be paralysed, even though you've got ideas.

Impostor syndrome is not a mental illness.

It is psychological. A state of mind.

How then can we overcome this situation we face?
1. Acknowledge the fact that you feel this way.

There's healing in truth.

Especially when we tell ourselves this truth.

Acknowledging that we are experiencing this situation helps us start our healing process.
2. Realize that this is just a feeling!

Yes, it is a feeling and it can change.

It is not a final reality.

It isn't a sentence.

It is a feeling.

3. Realise that you have the power to change this feeling.

The weakest thing to do is to think that someone else controls your

Accepting responsibility for how you feel puts back the power and control in your hands.

4. Realize that this feeling is influences by your thoughts!

Your thoughts determine your dominant feeling.

And your thought is the content of your mind.

The type of messages
people, experiences that we feed the mind influences our feelings and actions.

Like Napoleon Hill says,

"Thoughts are things!"

5. Pour it out.

I have found writing to be therapeutic.

Take your pen and paper, write out how you are feeling.

Pour it out as it is.
You'll find this helps you release the pressure.


Talk to someone you love and trust.

Someone who loves you back.

Share your feeling with them.

These five steps should get you started.

The next steps are active steps to turn the situation around.

Let's go👇
1. Begin to feed your mind with new realities.

Remember, your feelings are as a result of your thought pattern.

As you feed your mind with new content, the feelings will change.

And you do this in 3 ways:

- Verbalisation. Speak to yourself. Speak of how you'll do great
- Incidencing. This strategy is simple.

What would your life look like if you achieved that dream?

Would you buy a new car?

Then go online and begin to research the car. If you can, walk into a dealership and ask for a quote.

Sit in the car. Test drive.
This will tell your mind you deserve it and will inspire you to work towards it.

I do this a lot.

- Association.
You can't be following people that say "Men are scum" and expect to feel inspired to achieve your dreams.

Not possible.

Some of y'all don't know that these things
feed into your subconscious and puts you in a perpetual state of frustration.

And when you need energy to chase a dream, you won't find any.

You'll only find the 'men are scum' energy.

Change your association.

Move with people who inspire and support your dream.
2. Take action immediately!

The longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to act.

There is always a small part to a big dream.

Start there.

You want to create a course?

Start with creating your outline.

Want to sell your product?

Start with looking for customers.
Act, and act fast.

3. Don't compare yourself to others.

Understand that we are all at different stages of our life's journey.

Someone may be in his 5th stage while you are in your 1st.

The goal is not to be perfect, but to make progress.
4. Be dead to public opinion

If you are always looking for cheers, also expect the jeers.

If you live by the praises of men, you will die by their criticism.

Don't let people's opinion forge your dream.
People aren't done living their lives.

How do you allow them tell you how to live yours?

Someone has 50 years ahead of him. He hasn't lived it.

But you allow him tell you what to do with your own days?

5. Be selfish!

Yeah, I know.

You want to change the world
You have a good heart. You want to help the world.

But here's the shocker,

You can't change the world if you aren't first changed.

You can't save the world if you aren't first saved.

Save yourself.

Be selfish enough to build yourself.

Love yourself.

No do pass yourself
And final words to you who have something to sell:


Those who need your solution will show up and they will pay.


Oh, and I should add this:


It gives you new experiences and helps to expand your mind.

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