So I'm getting some incoming from yesterday's tweet about Rome becoming rubble. I'm going to use this tweet and the people replying to it as a case study. Thread.
Check out the assumptions here. That God couldn't be *that* angry at us. Why would He be? Why would He punish the Church? Doesn't He love the Church? Didn't He say that the Gates of Hell wouldn't prevail against the Church? Haven't things been bad before in history?
I would like to know the following things, because I am sincerely confused:

- When in history did humans kill 56 million children in the womb, every year, in barbaric ways?

- When in history did humans breed babies to give them to sodomite couples who paid for that child?
- When in history was marriage profaned in this manner?

- When in history was the vast majority of the Church laity receiving communion sacrilegiously?
- When in history did thousands of priests under the influence of Satan molest tens of thousands of children?

- When in history did Bishops cover up such a monstrous crime?

- When in history where so many priests and Bishops in the highest ranks of the Church gay?
- When in history was the image of the Church so disgraced and in such disrepute that people widely call it an organization of pedophiles?

- When in history did the pope and bishops prostrate themselves to an image of a South American goddess in the holiest site of Catholicism?
- When in history did the laity abandon the Church en masse as they have in the past 60 years?

- And finally, when in history have so many souls, billions, been in danger of hell?
If you don't believe God gets angry at the above, just say so. If you don't think divine chastisement exists, just say so. But if you want to behave like a smug, above-it-all wiseguy, don't waste my time. Gratis.
@defendtradition @bigceedoh @mattstuby @0ratefratres
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