“Christianity, and nothing else, is the ultimate foundation of liberty, conscience, human rights, and democracy, the benchmarks of Western civilization.” -Habermas https://twitter.com/ScottMGreer/status/1248995084474998788
This is the problem with sneering at any philosopher who gets pegged as “left wing”— conservatives find ways to justify pre-emptive condemnation without ever reading their writings— it’s what ultimately keeps their goals out of their reach.
“Muh cultural marxism”

This belief that you can point at the Frankfurt School (without reading any of the associated authors) & yell “degeneracy!” is about as sophisticated as schoolyard polemics & console war debates.
The conservative “culture warriors” don’t want you to read any of this stuff because it reveals their methods of grifting the populace to occlude their material interests. Wave a flag & a cross while you take money from Big Pharma. Based!
“The conservative value is to take everything on face appearance.”

Is this not what has become of the “alternative right” at this point? It’s all about “aesthetics”— but aesthetics not as a philosophical category, but in the most superficial way possible.
The comments are just “this guy looks like a soycuck lmao”— absolute re*ards.
Basically the “movement” is saying “I like OLD buildings & hate NEW buildings.”

“What ever happened to painting portraits of white girls on wheat farms?”
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