This video is worth watching.
Honestly, while I've never been to China I did find it a bit hard to believe that the average 'wet market' is just this thing where you can go buy all these exotic animals to butcher and eat.
It just seems a bit bizarre on the face of it.
Before people get annoyed, I'm not saying that it has never happened. I just have some pretty serious doubts it's a common thing. Another thing is that in some countries, rural places have traditions around just hunting down local wildlife to eat.
In some countries people will eat bat but usually these towns are pretty remote and it's not as common in the big cities. There was a problem with Nipah virus spreading through consumption of bats in other countries previously. It's not unprecedented for humans to eat bats.
I think the only people who should be super outraged at the idea of eating exotic animals are people who are genuinely concerned about conservation and vegans. Otherwise it's just a gut reaction you are having that you can't really justify logically.
To finish this thread, there are dangers with people eating animals outside of farming because we can't control for disease as well with animals that are hunted vs farmed animals. I don't think people are monsters if they grow up somewhere where they hunt for their food.
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