My 2020 status is my parent trying to make me become a Christian with a YouTube video that tells me to "make this shutdown the startup of my life"
Okay I'm clicking on this
RIP youtube algorithm
It starts off with a quite likable guy telling me, the viewer) that he wishes me (personally, I guess?) that I use this chance to question myself and my life choices more.

Thanks mom.
He goes on to say that the problem with the virus is death, the problem with death is sin, and, as an example, god already knows we sinned if we look at a woman and desire her. I'd really like to hear what he thinks about the ones I slept with!
Now I've learnt that everything that's been going wrong in my life is - unsurprisingly - a consequence of me not accepting god. But I can turn it around by repenting and becoming a Christian!
Cool, that was that. As a little treat, I will now facepalm in front of their instagram account, which has very helpful resources on repenting your sins, preventing your friends from marrying a non-believer, and how not to masturbate. (I'm not making this up.)
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