TIL of the “Lord God Bird,” AKA the ivory-billed woodpecker, a bird species presumed to be extinct. The last universally accepted sighting took place in 1944 (on a piece of land owned by the Singer Sewing Machine Company) but people have allegedly continued to spot them until 1/
at least 2017. None of these sightings seem to be officially confirmed. The ivory-billed is/was the largest woodpecker in North America, followed by the piliated woodpecker (a frequent visitor at our bird feeder and the reason I fell down this bird-shaped rabbit hole). 2/
Who, naturally, wrote a song about it (which is as hauntingly beautiful as you’d expect). 4/
That’s it, that’s the whole thread. There’s lots more about the bird and many alleged sightings on the Audubon website and elsewhere. If you’re looking for a weird and interesting thing to learn about, this is a pretty interesting thread to follow! 5/5
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