since everybody is doing it 😁
i got arrested for indecent exposure a because my dumbass wanted to have car sex.......i’m lucky it’s not on my record
another time i was a criminal.....i tried a very hard drug for fun.....went through withdrawals and i will never do dat again
i almost got shot because i beat this one girl up and her she brought a g_n
i used to make bank from having sugar daddies......
i have beaten someone up till the point they had to go to the hospital
i have a very successful glee fanfic on the internet
i have been to court to testify for a case
i’m the reason why one of my teachers are in jail.....
when i thought i liked men...i would just use them for money. i scammed this dude thousands of dollars out of his pocket
in kindergarten i went in my teachers purse for some reason???? and she taught me a valuable lesson in stealing. make sure you have a lookout
i had this huge crush on this tomboy in first grade.....i kissedher under the slide..we would play house together and she was the husband and i was da wife
when i thought i was straight, i would get mad at pretty girls for no reason....not knowing i wanted to kiss them
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