“If people saw this, they would stay home.”

Doctors invited @NickKristof inside two hard-hit New York hospitals to observe first-hand the fight against the coronavirus. https://nyti.ms/3aWLd2p 
The best vantage to understand Covid-19 is not the White House press conferences, writes @NickKristof, but the anguish of patients who are feverish, frightened and all alone http://nyti.ms/3aWLd2p 
"What is most impressive in the hospitals is not the ventilators or CT scanners," @NickKristof says. "It’s the compassion and courage of health workers, and the intervention that struck me the most was decidedly low-tech — the hand-holding." http://nyti.ms/3aWLd2p 
“I could see the fear in his eyes,” Ms. Chavez told @NickKristof about the patient whose hand she held. http://nyti.ms/3aWLd2p 
“It’s really hard as an emergency physician to see people suffer without their families at the bedside. It’s been a very hard time for everyone here.

“We are telling people to please stay home.” — Dr. Nicole Del Valle http://nyti.ms/3aWLd2p 
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