So uh.
how do y'all *not* associate your friends from people who have abused you if they're still friends with your abusers.

I have struggled with this throughout the years and it just keeps coming up.
I know I can just unfriend the friends with abusers but seriously that is 99% of my cosplayer friends.

I am social. I am extroverted. If I have no cosplay friends, I quit cosplaying
I woke up this morning to a bunch of friends (virtually) hanging out with someone who sent me multiple judgemental messages & said I desperately need therapy& more completely unwarranted.
they blocked me after I set boundaries. These friends know about it but don't care?
this is just a mild example. I have friends who are friends with the abusers who told me to kms and wanted me to die soooo that's more extreme haha
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