I would like to officially announce my campaign for @Mock_Elections, seeking the Green Party nomination for Mock President.

Here is my Party Platform:
1) Our Earth is very important to us. We must do everything we can to protect it. I feel the Green New Deal, whether it be AOC’s, Bernie’s, or even the Green Party’s GND is not sufficient to Secure our Future. I will do everything in my power to ensure...
The United States adopts Tulsi Gabbard’s OFFAct. This bill will work towards a better future for all Americans, without trying to dictate everyday life for Americans. I believe the Green New Deals are not what’s needed to Secure our Future, the Off Fossil Fuels Act is.
2) Election Reform is vital to Securing our Future. Right now American Elections are irresponsible, corrupt, and unresponsive to the voice of so many Americans. The Federal Government MUST enact Ranked Chice Voting. Doing so would allow third parties to actively participate...
...in the Federal, State, and Local Governments. Political Party Organizations, such as the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee, have too much free reign to ignore their own rules, as well as American Voters. These private organizations must
be heavily regulated by the Federal and State Governments, as well as the courts to ensure election integrity. The Securing America’s Elections Act is vital to securing our elections from domestic forces, like the DNC, or from foreign influence.
3) Criminal Justice Reform is required to Secure or Future. Currently, the Criminal Justice System focuses more on prosecution than rehabilitation. Much of this is directed at drug-users. Those prosecuted for using drugs need to be rehabilitated, rather than punished...
...for any addictions they may have. Legalizing weed and decriminalizing other drugs is very important. But, we must also do everything we can as a society to protect people from harder drugs such as cocain and heroine.
4) Foreign Policy should not be dictated by the Military Industrial Conplex. These costly Regime-Change Wars do no good for the people of the nation being overthrown, but also hurts the American tax payer as their money is being spent of overthrowing foreign governments for the
benefit of the elites. We need to bring our troops home from everywhere they don’t belong. Specifically, the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula. If we are invited to station our troops in a foreign country, we better be certain they are not just an ally, but a friend.
5) If we want to preserve the Earth and it’s inhabitants, Global Cooperation is key to Secure or Future. International organizations such as the European Union, Commonwealth of Nations, and the United Nations, while flawed and need reform, are needed to ensure...
...international cooperation, which would pave the way to a safer, cleaner, and more efficient society. All of this, and more, is necessary to Secure. Our. Future.
Sorry this thread is so long. I’d love to make a website, but I can’t draw or anything to design campaign art.
Thank you.

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